We know breakfast is important.
But now you report that we have a “Big Breakfast” Diet, where we’re encouraged to eat a 600 calorie breakfast rich in carbohydrates. And, that this big breakfast will result in greater weight loss. Well, we can sort of see where all that food would keep you from getting hungry before lunch. That’s a good thing, but we know that people don’t always eat just because they’re hungry, and that many of us tend to snack our way through the day—and that in too many cases—the more you eat—the more you tend to want to eat.
In the big breakfast study, daily calories were limited to 1,240, with 610 of those calories consumed at breakfast. We know a controlled study is a whole lot different from real life, and we know too, that most of us won’t eat half of our daily calories at breakfast.
Rather than one more gimmick diet plan, LoneStart offers a real solution. For the past three years hospitals in Texas and the Midwest have participated in the LoneStart Wellness Challenge. We have partnered with the Texas Organization of Rural and Community Hospitals, Pioneer Health Network, and the National Cooperative of Health Networks to make our Caring for the Caregivers wellness strategy available to their members.
Examples: Permian Regional Medical Center in Andrews, Texas took the LoneStart Wellness Challenge in February 2008. The Midland Reporter-Telegram reported in a recent story that about 54 percent of the hospital’s employees lost a total of 500.5 pounds in three months.
Peterson Regional Medical Center in Kerrville, Texas has not only offered its employees several LoneStart Challenges in 2007 and 2008, but has taken it out into their community as well.
These are real results, in real communities, with real people dealing with real day-in-day-out choices. These are people taking personal responsibility for their own wellness decisions.
Maybe not as catchy as the Big Breakfast Diet—but effective, low cost, easy to implement and making a difference. If that’s not news, what is?
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