For many of us it starts with knowing what to eat, what not to eat and how much to eat. But, there’s so much more. There are also the behavioral components, how we respond to stress, and recognizing the individual patterns we all develop. And, there’s physical activity.
While shopping can be considered physical activity—it’s not exactly what we have in mind when we say, “look for ways to get your body in motion and become more physically active.” (But, if you’re at the mall, you can park way down at the end of the parking area and walk briskly to the entrance, rather than driving in circles for five minutes looking for a more convenient spot close to the door.)
So, find ways to keep moving. Take the stairs at the mall rather than the escalator or elevator. (Did you know that taking the stairs for a total of 2 minutes, five days a week gives you the same calorie-burning results as a 20 minute walk? It burns 100 to 140 calories.)
While you’re shopping and taking the stairs and walking from the end of the parking lot, keep in mind that physically active people save on average about $500 per year in health care costs. That could come in handy this time of year.
Do you have tips to share? Please do.
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