For many of us, our daily decisions revolve around our work,
our children and families, how we choose to and need to spend our time, what we
are able to afford, how we prepare our
meals (or if we prepare our meals) .
. . you get the idea. And, the idea is, that wherever we are along the continuum, we can all do just a little better.
If you have two soft drinks a day, have just one (and then
do better still). Do the same for your children. If you have dessert at every
meal, try limiting it to once a week, or on special occasions. If you have
sugar-laden breakfast cereals (because, after-all, that’s what your kids see on
television), switch to a whole grain cereal topped with berries or a banana. If
you don’t have time for 20 minutes of moderate physical activity every day, try
for three times a week—maybe a family walk after dinner rather than half an
hour of TV.
Even with time, financial and work constraints, we can all
find ways to make even the smallest improvements in our lifestyle behavior
choices. By adopting a just a little
better attitude, you not only do better, you set a better example, and your
children learn by that example.
Keep in mind too, that just a little better isn’t just anything—it might
just be everything.
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